Revolutions and repercussions

The 2010s in 10 articles

This decade brought us revolutions, crises and strong backlashes too. But although it’s easy for authoritarians to prey on societies in turmoil, the popular demand for equality and a liveable future do not dissolve, even under tyranny.

Here is our list of articles on the most crucial events of each year: our brief takeaway from the momentous 2010s.

With this, we wish an insightful new decennial to all our readers. We will keep bringing you stimulating debates and a wide range of perspectives.

Photo by Billy Huynh from Unsplash.


Contain this! Leaks, whistleblowers and the networked news ecology by Felix Stadler

2011: the Arab Spring and the eurocrisis

The Arab Spring: religion, revolution and the public sphere by Seyla Benhabib

Greece: the history behind the collapse by Geroges Prévélakis

2012: anti-Putin protests after a rigged election

Cracks in the Kremlin matrix by Peter Pomerantsev

2013: the Gezi Park protests

Transversal struggle: Gezi Park by Ali Akay

2014: Euromaidan

Diaries and memoirs of the Maidan: Ukraine from November 2013 to February 2014 by Timothy Snyder and Tatiana Zhurzhenko

2015: the migration crisis

Pariahs and parvenus? Refugees and new divisions in Europe by Valeria Korablyova

2016: Brexit and Trump

Beyond the Brexit debate by Kenan Malik

When populism overruns its borders: making sense of Donald Trump’s foreign policy by Christopher Schaefer

2017: #MeToo

Shame and credibility: How to isolate the perpetrators of harassment by Irene Lozano

2018: Fake news and social media scandals

Trust me, I’m lying: Why fake news is good news by Valentin Groebner

2019: The breakthrough of climate activism

The seven deadly sins of journalism by Daniel Pelletier and Maximilian Probst

Published 31 December 2019
Original in English


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